Sunday 12 September 2010

...children of yearnings and wishes...

I think it's time to try to put into words something about yearning... I'll classify myself into something, after all...the group of oversensitive, emotional, yearning souls....this ungrateful but beautiful and unreal group

...yearning is a part of us, as we are part of cannot exist without the other...we live for illusions and make-believe...I frequently wonder if I am brave enough...except that bravery now doesn't mean what they taught us it doesn't mean to be a hero in the physical sense...
we are heroes of the heart...our bravery consists of braking with the well-established, building and living our dreams...anyhow, moving on...jumping off the cliff, flying in the clouds...sometimes this illusions brake, breaking us too, we fall into a deafening silence (I think this is our worst punishment in life), silence in which we must find ourselves all over again each time...and when we think that there is no more strength in us to continue, that every wish has disappeared, that yearning has abandoned us, the shadow unstitches...we stand up, we clean our knees and it starts to smolder...and then, from this silence words arise, thoughts, colors...and we take action again...

longing, yearning...our body is woven with it, it's woven into our code...its seed is part of us...we are its children, it is our mother and we are simply one...we don't exist without it, as it does not exist without us...unbreakably connected until our death...because it never dies...and a trace of yearning is always present in us...sometimes it takes us over beyond recognition, sometimes it shrinks into an insignificant, invisible spot, but it's always present here, in is our divine

it is stronger than any fear of the makes us knock down our shabby worlds, live our dreams, turn our lives upside down...and all because we want to 'live'...and it all boils down to the same 'lust for life...longing, matter how it manifests itself into individuals, it is that something that's always present that drives us, pursues and doesn't let us rest in peace...even when we don't recognize it, we are destined to live by the edge, jump into life from the cliffs...actually, life for life or on the edge is our life...that's our purport

yes, it's surprising how much, but I'm brave...we are brave...and if sometimes we want to give up everything, quit, we can't...and if we stray away from that path, deliberately or not, we always come back...because we don't know how to exist otherwise...because our paths are predetermined by it
we know that every shallowness and superficiality must have its depth and we search for it...whether we drown, fly or strive to touch the sun...searching is in our nature and we know, actually, we are convinced to the core, that something like that exists (when we doubt...when my earthly is against, my heavenly doesn't doubt)...because we have already experienced it...we maybe don't know when, but our deepest, our core is convinced of it...we used to be one with it and we want to experience this fullness, perfection and completeness again...all the recognized magic moments are actually only reflections of it (memories)...and so we bravely discard all the well-established things, the conventions, we walk the byway...and search...because we want more and we know it exists...after all, how can you miss something that you don't know exists?

And, no matter our broken and fulfilled illusions and dreams we will always be full of wishes, longings and yearnings...we will search all life long, because it is us...because our enthusiastic child's heart doesn't know how to live otherwise...because it is stronger than reason, stronger than us, then life...

...because we are searchers...children of yearnings and wishes...and who searches better than children?

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